
Last week’s US President, Donald-Trump announcement to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement created a lot of buzz in the world around, especially on Social Media Platforms. While some people welcomed the move considering it to be beneficial for people of United States, there were many other who felt that the decision was taken in a haste and would have long term negative impact on environment.

To analyze people’s sentiment on Social Media Networks, we analyzed this development using our social media marketing software, myRosys. Here are the results:

Word Cloud: There seems to be lot of buzz on social media around the keyword and prominent words used are #parisagreement, #climateaction, @realdonaldtrump, #climatechange, #parisaccord.

word cloud

Sentiment: As per the sentiment analysis of posts, majority of the people were with neutral reactions. For the word sentiment, users seem to be using positive words in their communication on social platforms.


Noise: Below is a summary of noise that occurred on different social media networks for the trending keywords. As could be seen from the hourly noise graph, the noise spiked high with the run-up during tweet hours.

Noise 1

Noise 2

Noise 3

+ve Sentiments: Out of much talked about topic, myRosys identified top positive views of people shared on social media.


-ve Sentiments: As some people have positive reviews about the Trump’s decision whereas there were people with negative views as well. Here are the top 3 results.


Likes: Here are top 3 posts which most of the people liked.



Although a lot of buzz has been generated on social media platforms around the US decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, only the time will tell about the righteousness of the decision and how people support President Trump, at least on Social Media Platforms.