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Influencer marketing content delivers
11X higher ROI
than traditional forms of digital marketing!

myRosys Social Media Mangement tool platform benefits

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and connected social media management, myRosys increases campaign reach and engagement by helping you create targeted content and notifying your Influencers and Advocates when you post.


FIND  Influencers & Monitor keywords on social media

Monitor keywords on social media and brand mentions to create your content strategy. Discover, engage, and connect with Industry Influencers and new Customers / Followers.  Read More


PUBLISH  & Moderate Posts

Save time by automating social media posting and building a posts calendar. Easily identify what, where, and when to post and moderate the comments.  Read More


CREATE  & Curate Engaging Content

Create the best content with a comprehensive team-based social media content collabration workflow. Curate content and automate client or managment content approvals.  Read More


REACH   & Engage New Customers

Increase your social media advocacy by finding and engaging with top Industry influencers and your Advocates, e.g., Employees.  Read More


AMPLIFY   via Influencers & Advocates

Auto-notify your Influencers and Advocates when you post. As they share your content, social media reach & engagement increases.  Read More


ANALYZE   Performance in Real-Time

Use a comprehensive social media analytics platform to get deep analysis of your campaign performance, audience sentiments, team-stats, and amplification.  Read More

demo influencer advocate social-media-calendar

Key Features

myRosys is a complete social media management platform and provides the following functionality:

Social media monitoring

Listen to the social media noise on various social media platforms & analyze sentiments. Read More

Social media posting

Plan, organize, and schedule social media postings on different platforms. Read More

Social media collaboration

Provide content creation, modification, posting, curation, and approval access to designated team members. Read More

Social media advocacy

Identify and connect with social media accounts of people who influence industry. Read More

Social media engagement

Automatically amplify the impact of social media campaigns by using the power of Influencers & Advocates/Stakeholders. Read More

Social media analytics

Generate real-time dashboard and reports to measure performance and ROI. Read More

myRosys Platform

Systemize word-of-mouth marketing & enhance social engagement. Read More
Grow your social media reach using Influencers and Advocates!

Advantages of myRosys

Find relevant industry Influencers

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Filter results & get brand mentions


Increase social media reach using Influencers


Engage more users on social media platforms


Create & schedule social media campaigns with ease


Customer Case Studies

myRosys helps to create, publish, and amplify interesting content on social media platforms and thereby get much larger reach and user engagement.

Customer Testimonial

myRosys, a Innovative Social Media Marketing Software, is quite innovative towards its approach and architecture in seamlessly enhancing the social media experience for brands; create, manage and amplify the reach of social media content and fetch useful social media insights by listening to noise across multiple social media platforms.

Chairman & Managing Director, NRDC

Customer Testimonial

"myRosys is a terrific tool to effectively mobilize your networks to share social media. The analytic tools are terrific and really help the user see what can be valuable."

Kate Cochran, CEO, Upaya Social Ventures

A Few of Our Customers
