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Influencer marketing content delivers
11X higher ROI
than traditional forms of digital marketing!

Platform iconmyRosys is a comprehensive social media management platform that allows you to create company hierarchy, social media profiles, and various roles to your team members.

  • Company: Company is the topmost entity in your myrosys account hierarchy
  • Division: Division is mapped to a function of your company
  • Profile: Profile is mapped to a specific campaign or product within each division

Unified Dashboard

A unique social media dashboard to view the progress of your social media marketing efforts makes your life simpler.


Robust Hierarchy

Enhance performance of your social media campaigns by effectively managing user roles and responsibilities.
Different types of users in myRosys account are: Admin (Company, Division, Profile), Manager, Reviewer, User, and Reader.

Robust Hierarchy

Enhance performance of your social media campaign by effectively managing user roles and responsibilities.
Different types of users in myRosys account are: Admin (Company, Division, Profile), Manager, Reviewer, User, and Reader.


In-depth Analytics

Measure and analyze the effectiveness of your social media campaigns and get detailed reports for keyword searches.

Listen to your Customers and Track Brand Mentions