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Influencer marketing content delivers
11X higher ROI
than traditional forms of digital marketing!


Enhanced engagement of advocates on social profiles

Customer Business Challenge

Microsoft’s Open Source business division wanted to drive public awareness of a webinar series they were doing with partner. Microsoft and its Open Source partners wanted to increase registrations and attendance.


myRosys’ systematic word-of-mouth marketing feature was used to import the posts from social media networks. Microsoft sent the to its popular handle owners & open source partners for amplification.

myRosys Benefits

Improved user engagement by over 300% by engaging @OpenAtMicrosoft, @Azure, and Open Source partner handles immediately after posts. Increased webinar registration by over 75% as compared to webinars that didn’t use WOMM.


Engaged industry influencers in social campaigns

Customer Business Challenge

Yale was looking to generate huge interest among its customers for their newly launched digital locks. Yale’s biggest challenge was the limited reach of its social media posts.


myRosys campaign scheduling and systematic word-of-mouth marketing feature was used to schedule campaigns and enhance their reach. Planed and scheduled its social media posts six months in advance.

myRosys Benefits

Achieved 25X reach on social media by sharing the posts with stakeholders. Engaged 300% more users on their social media networks.


Increased user signups using word-of-mouth

Customer Business Challenge

TiE wanted to use its charter member network to create buzz for their March 8th event honoring Women’s Day Event. TiE had 35 registrations and wanted to reach a target of 75 registrations with four days.


myRosys systematic word-of-mouth marketing feature amplified social updates through TIE’s charter members & network.

myRosys Benefits

Engaged 75 charter members that resulted in an increase of 200% in engagement on social media posts for the event. Increased number of event registrations from 35 to 80 in a span of 4 days through amplification.

Grow your social media reach using Influencers and Advocates!