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Influencer marketing content delivers
11X higher ROI
than traditional forms of digital marketing!

imgmyRosys allows you to plan your editorial calendar and automate your social media postings on multiple networks.

  • Schedule posts and view them in a monthly, weekly, or daily format
  • Post content 24x7 on social media channels and increase your reach
  • Analyze campaign's performance and moderate posts

Maximize brand’s visibility

Reach out to your followers 24/7 and ensure that your social media posts are published as per the posting schedule.


Manage your social media editorial calendar

Schedule and/or upload multiple messages in advance and save your time and effort. Create a campaign calendar and seamlessly post on multiple social media networks with a single click.

Manage your social media editorial calendar

Schedule and/or upload multiple messages in advance and save your time and effort. Create a campaign calendar and seamlessly post on multiple social media networks with a single click.


Real-time Moderation

Take control of your brand reputation by moderating user queries in real-time. Respond to comments or delete unwanted messages.


View posts performance and scheduled content

Arrange and visualize your social media content using content calendar and improve management and analysis of social posts.

View posts performance and scheduled content

Arrange and visualize your social media content using content calendar and improve management and analysis of social posts.

Publish social content 24x7 on multiple platforms