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Influencer marketing content delivers
11X higher ROI
than traditional forms of digital marketing!

imgmyRosys allows effective social media content collaboration within the teams and helps create engaging content by identifying the content that works.

  • Create engaging content along with your team
  • Curate posts instantly and build a social media calendar
  • Keep a track of team’s tasks and the status of posts

Create the best content for your audience

Create interesting content along with your team members. Reduce time spent in coordination with your team members over email and calls.


Curate and post content instantly

Browse the stream of curated content in your myRosys account and schedule as per your social content strategy. Schedule posts multiple times with real-time access to utilization report of curated content.

Curate and post content instantly

Browse the stream of curated content in your myRosys account and schedule as per your social content strategy. Schedule posts multiple times with real-time access to utilization report of curated content.


Analyze curated posts

Manage content curation and posting along with your team members. Get detailed report of content posted after curation.


Manage creation and approval of social media content

Utilize content assignment, creation, review, and approval mechanism to seamlessly manage team-based content creation. Get real-time tasks' notifications.

Manage creation and approval of social media content

Utilize content assignment, creation, review, and approval mechanism to seamlessly manage team-based content creation. Get real-time tasks' notifications.

Create interesting social content using your team