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Influencer marketing content delivers
11X higher ROI
than traditional forms of digital marketing!

AnalyzemyRosys provides comprehensive social media analytics to brands by analyzing user sentiments, campaigns, competition, and amplification.

  • Access to an intuitive social media insights dashboard
  • Get detailed user sentiments and competitive analysis reports
  • Get insights on your campaigns and targetted audience

Easy access to a comprehensive performance dashboard

Get an aggregated overview of all your social media activities on a single and easy to use dashboard. View details about the social media stats, amplification performance, and team-collaboration right from the dashboard.


Analyze user sentiments and competition

Access our Artificial Intelligence (AI) based sentiment analysis of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram posts and learn what your competition is doing by tracking relevant keywords.

Analyze user sentiments and competition

Access our Artificial Intelligence (AI) based sentiment analysis of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram posts and learn what your competition is doing by tracking relevant keywords.


Get insights about your targetted profile

Find target audience for your brand by analyzing their interests, engagement, and other activities and categorize them based on their activity level.


Analyze Performance of your Social Media Campaigns

View and analyze reports of your campaigns and see how your content is performing on multiple social media networks. Different reports include Deep Learning-based sentiment analysis, trending keywords & hashtags, hourly noise, and much more.

Analyze Performance of your Social Media Campaigns

View and analyze reports of your campaigns and see how your content is performing on multiple social media networks. Different reports include Deep Learning-based sentiment analysis, trending keywords & hashtags, hourly noise, and much more.

Get detailed analysis of Social Media Performance