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Influencer marketing content delivers
11X higher ROI
than traditional forms of digital marketing!

imgmyRosys uses machine learning to increase your social media advoacy by identifying and engaging relevant Influencers and advocates.

  • Discover and connect with Industry Influencers and new Followers
  • Use employee advocates to amplify reach of your content
  • Send real-time amplification notifications and analyze the results

Identify relevant Industry Influencers

Use Artificial Intelligence based Influencer Management to identify relevant influencers for your brand and categorize them based on their influence and activity.


Engage and nurture relationships with Influencers

Like, Retweet, and Reply to posts by influencers and build a relationship with them on social platforms. Use myRosys’ innovative Engage Mechanism to develop your brand influencers.

Engage and nurture relationships with Influencers

Like, Retweet, and Reply to posts by influencers and build a relationship with them on social platforms. Use myRosys’ innovative Engage Mechanism to develop your brand influencers.


Add Advocates into your myRosys account

Upload list of advocates/stakeholders (shareholders, customers, business partners, and employees) into your myRosys account and boost social reach of posts with advocacy. Advocates are regularly notified about social posts via amplification messages.


Notify Influencers and Advocates via Amplification notification

Send amplification notifications to influencers and Advocates via email and Twitter direct message. myRosys amplification makes sure that despite an enormous social media clutter, messages get delivered to them whether they are logged into social media or not.

Notify Influencers and Advocates via Amplification notification

Send amplification notifications to influencers and Advocates via email and Twitter direct message. myRosys amplification makes sure that despite an enormous social media clutter, messages get delivered to them whether they are logged into social media or not.

Leverage social network of Influencers & Advocates to increase reach