
Content marketing is an approach focused on creating and sharing valuable content with the right audience to foster relationship. Majority of leading brands are using effective content marketing strategy as it help brands connect and engage with audience and drive sales. If the content is not attractive or engaging, people will lose interest in reading and knowing about the product/brand.

Content also helps in other marketing techniques like Influencer marketing and social media amplification.

Influencers are the people who are active on social media and blogs. They generally are speaking about any particular product/brand. If the content they are using is not attractive, then people won’t show interest in their post.

Similarly, for social media post amplification, content plays a very important role. Post amplification means getting your message promoted through employees, stakeholders, or influencers. Depending on the influencer who has shared your message, their reach could be a game-changer for the reach of your content.

When done properly, social amplification can build brand’s authority in industry and as a result creates brand awareness.

For the analysis of importance of Content Marketing on digital platform, we used our social media marketing software, myRosys, and below are the results.

Word Cloud: We found lots of buzz on social media around the keyword and prominent words used are #contentmarketing, #content, #socialmedia, #marketing, influencer, content, etc.

word cloud

Sentiment: As per the post(s) sentiment analysis, majority of the people were with neutral reactions. For the word sentiment, users seem to be using positive words in their communication on social media platforms.

sentiment analysis

Noise: Below is a summary of noise that occurred on different social media networks for the trending keywords. As could be seen from the hourly noise graph, the noise spiked high with the run-up during tweet hours.

noise 1noise 2

noise 3

noise 4

+ve Sentiments: Out of much talked about topic, myRosys identified top positive views of people shared on social media.

+ sentiment

-ve Sentiments: myRosys also identified top negative views of people shared on social media about the keyword content marketing.

- sentiment

Going by the user sentiments and buzz on social media platforms, we can say Content Marketing is one of the best way to reach perspective customers.