Edward Snowden was an ordinary American technical contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA) till the time he came out in open and leaked details of several top-secret U.S. and British government mass surveillance programs to the press. Currently, he is holed up in at the Moscow airport and is seeking asylum so as to escape extradition to US where he may face espionage charges for leaking secret documents on National Security Agency surveillance programs.
Edward’s reasons behind this historical disclosure are simple, he quotes: “I can’t allow the US government to destroy privacy and basic liberties�. These disclosures are being ranked as one of the most significant NSA security breaches in the US history.
Social media networks have been flooded with posts around Edward Snowden with a few calling him a hero while a few calling him a traitor. Our team did a sentiment analysis about Edward Snowden and found out interesting results.
“What are the sentiments of masses towards Edward Snowden on Social Media�?
Here are the key findings of the people’s perception based on the sentiment analysis performed using myRosys:
• About 30% posts were made with positive sentiments towards Edward Snowden as there have been millions who feel that US is breaching their privacy. 33% posts were made with negative sentiments, which is something that was expected as there are many who feel that Snowden has not only cheated NSA but also his country. 37% posts were made with neutral sentiments as there were people who were a bit confused and decided not to pick any sides.
• myRosys defines Noise as the number of time a particular keyword has been mentioned in Social Media, “more the mentions more the noise.�
• Analysis of social networks clearly showed that users on Googleplus (490 posts) and Twitter (325 posts) were very active but Yahoo topped the list with the number of users posting across it being almost 1500.
Here are some comments posted across social media networks, myRosys shows both the comments as well as the sentiment of the comments: (Every comment has a bar below it, which we call the Sentiment Bar. Longer Green Bar means more Positive sentiments while longer Red Bar means more Negative sentiments)
Social media networks were very active with respect to Edward Snowden. As can be seen from the analysis below, social media networks have come alive from 18th July’2013.
We call those accounts social media influencers, whose posts have gained the maximum popularity across social media. Popularity is represented in terms of likes, shares and retweets.
• Engaging your audience on social media is a herculean task. Your target audience may or may not be interested in you postings, blogs and other uploads across social media. Trending topics are always helpful but which of those can actually help you to engage your target audiences is always a tough ask. So, how do you know if your target audience would actually like what you have to say? Well, the simple answer is: Do a sentiment analysis on the trending topics using Ease Social and find out the response on various social media networks.
• myRosys also helps you to review the popularity of your previous posts, hourly and daily noise, the social media network which is enabling the maximum penetration to your brands posts and many more helpful statistics.
• Suppose, if a brand wants to associate with Edward Snowden. Then, it could do a quick sentiment analysis to understand if the views of the masses are positive or negative about him. Hence, myRosys can be a powerful medium that simplifies marketing research.
• Sentiment Analysis also provides an opportunity for failing brands to understand where they are lagging and what is it that they need to improve.
You can also download this report from the link given below. Hundreds of users are using Social media sentiment analysis to gain useful insights. Generate your own sentiment analysis reports using myRosys. Sign up for myRosys today and experience the power of social media.
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