Easesocial Glocaledge
Did you know social media influence 81% of your cunstomers? Easesocial equips you to monitor your social media mentions
Are you clueless about what your customers are saying on social media?
57% marketers not using tools to monitor social media conversations admit that their brands are at risk.

Use myRosys for 25X faster monitoring across social media networks
Here is how myRosys was used to get interesting insights about Edward Snowden (responsible for the recent NSA leaks) by tracking social media mentions about him:
arrow Sign up for myRosys and setup keyword search on Edward Snowden.
arrow myRosys provides you with:
arrow Number of positive and negative posts about Edward Snowden.
arrow Hourly and daily mentions about Edward Snowden.
arrow Social media influencers with respect Edward Snowden.
arrow Click here to read the social media sentiment analysis report about Edward Snowden.

You may opt for any of the three plans mentioned below:
Features myRosys Social Media
Enabler Plan
Setup price $100 per year $899 $1599
Monthly Management Price Nil $899 $1599
myRosys access Yes Yes Yes
Social media strategy
design and execution
DIY* Yes Yes
Postings on Facebook,
Twitter and Linkedin
DIY* Yes Yes
Sentiment analysis report
across social media networks
DIY* Yes Yes
Lead generation using
social media
DIY* No Yes
Social media bookmarking
and Pinterest
No No Yes
* Do it yourself
phone Contact Easesocial
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Easesocial myRosys, 8th Floor, IHDP Business Park, #7, Sector-127,
Taj Express Way, NOIDA – 201 304, Phone: +91 (0120) 4239014-17
Mobile: 9911917450,9871188327
†Source: Nielson