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Social Media Marketing with myRosys Social Media Marketing with myRosys LinkedIn



Do you want to use Social Media for generating leads, but are clueless on how to increase your campaign reach?
More Likes and Follows mean greater reach. Here’s how you can generate qualified leads by amplifying your Social Media reach using myRosys software:
arrow Use the myRosys software engage option to engage audience by posting daily on Facebook pages, multiple Linkedin groups, and Twitter accounts simultaneously.
arrow Post contests, polls, quizzes, facts, and news relevant to your industry.
arrow Use the myRosys software influencer feature to identify industry influencers using keyword searches.
arrow Give an incentive such as discounts to influencers for connecting with your Social Media accounts. Connect with hundreds of influencers using myRosys and request them to amplify posts to increase reach.

Increase your Social Media Reach by 10X using these strategies. Use myRosys Now
30 day free trial
Our growing customer base that has automated its Social Media Marketing using myRosys and improved its online sales:
myRosys, Suite 201, 15446 Bel Red Road, Redmond, WA 98052 Phone: +1 (425) 605-7787 Connect with us: Facebook LinkedIn YouTube Twitter
*Source: Nielson, Compete and Twitter, mediabistro