Are you tired of burning hundreds of dollars on AdWords campaigns and not getting any substantial results? If yes, keep reading, this email may very well be a life saver for you. On the other hand, if you are planning to start lead generation from online channels, then these strategies are just what you are looking for. |
Avoid broad match keywords: Using broad match keywords may be a good idea for brands like Amazon or Samsung, but if you intend to spend no more than one to two thousand dollars a month, you may focus on exact match and phrase match keywords. This way you are paying for clicks on your target keywords only. |
Use negative keywords: Opening your keywords tab once a day and marking the irrelevant keywords as negative not only helps Google understand your campaigns better but reduces the chance of wasting your future budget on inapt keywords. A better option is to create a negative keywords list in advance. |
Focus on increasing quality score: Striving to achieve high quality scores is something that every AdWords manager struggles with. Quality score depends on over 10 factors and we have tested campaigns with respect to each one. Explaining all of them would take hours, why not understand them by calling one of our Google adwords certified experts. |
Create more and better targeted ad groups |
Track ROI and optimize campaigns |
Having a lesser number of ad groups decreases the relevance of your ads as you group multiple products or service categories into one and is a major factor responsible for low quality scores. Remember ad groups with lower quality scores forces you to pay more for your ads and may even kick your ads out of the first page. |
Effectively managing a PPC campaign is a Herculean task. Try making changes to your campaigns and monitor their performance to get the right mix such as A/B testing of landing pages and active ads, ad scheduling on different durations of the day, pausing ads on certain days & increasing budget on some days in a week, and targeting smaller geographical locations. |
Register now for a free analysis session of your AdWords campaigns and search engine friendliness of your website! |
Our growing list of customers:
Glocaledge, Suite 201, 15446 Bel Red Road, Redmond, WA 98052 Phone: +1 (425) 605-7787 |
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