
Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) is an unpaid form of promotion in which satisfied customers tell other people how much they like a product or a service. According to a research, 92% of consumers take recommendations from their loved ones over any other forms of advertisement while making their purchase decisions.

WOMM plays an important role in online marketing and branding, and can effectively drive sales for the software.

Here are three useful tips for an effective WOMM:

  1. Target Influencers on Social Platforms – Influencers are the people with large social following and are active on social media and blogs. Make a target list of influencers that appeal to your key demographic and be sure they know about what you do.
  2. Engage with users (Be a Thought Leader) – Social media provides a great platform for direct interaction with the target audience. Know more about your audience and interact with them on a regular basis.
  3. Solve a problem – Users are looking for software that provide an effective solution to their problem and is a great substitute to other similar products. Display the unique selling preposition (USP) of your product and create a loyal follower base.

Businesses of all sizes and scales rely on WOMM as an effective tool to promote their brand and ultimately result in better sales and customer retention.

myRosys is an AI backed word-of-mouth marketing platform that systemizes WOMM & Influencer marketing and provide enhanced social reach for content. myRosys helps to discover and connect with industry Influencers and leverage their vast social network to enhance reach of social media posts.